Friday, October 16, 2009

Why Do the Antichrist Globalist Think That They Can Defeat the Almighty God

The globalist antichrist devils have no idea of the power of our Great and Almighty God, Jesus Christ whom they crucified so that we can be forgiven for our sins!! They have no idea of the horrors of hell that awaits them. As they will also martyr us; and do us a great favor by sending us home to our Heavenly and Almighty Father that will use them to see, who is truly on His side!! For we will not take their zombie making Mark of the Beast Chip!! And we will not deny our living Lord Jesus who rose from the dead and is setting on the right hand of God!!

For God the Father has given the Son all authority in heaven and on the Earth!! And it is Jesus who will be sent back to the Earth as a Great and Gigantic and Almighty God the Son to defeat them and have them all before His Fathers Great White Throne!!

As they will still be weeping and wailing because they will see Jesus come in great power and majesty; as they will know that their time is up and they have been totally defeated. As they will be yelling and screaming because they will then realize that they have been tricked and deceived by their lord lucifer who will be totally powerless against the Great God of Heaven and His Almighty Son, Jesus Christ and His Great and Powerful and Magnificent Holy Angels!!

As they will know and see the Great Wrath of God; as they are judged and sentenced into the Great lake of fire and Brimstone with their defeated and chained lord lucifer forever and ever and ever!!!